Televideo Therapy

Can’t get your video session started? Don’t panic! Read on:

How to join on a desktop or laptop computer

If you plan to use a desktop or laptop, there is nothing to download prior to your appointment.

Here are the steps to join:

  1. Approximately 10 minutes before your appointment, you should receive an email reminder.
    • Note: If you have already consented to receiving text and/or email reminders, you will continue to receive them for Telehealth appointments as well. For new clients, make sure you have provided your email and or mobile phone number so that I can enable email or text reminders.  If you aren’t sure if I have your email address, please call me, 760-566-8760.  I’m probably waiting for you.
  2. Click the unique link embedded in the reminder. (Note: You may have to copy and paste the link into your web browser.) Your video call screen will now open in a new tab.
  3. If I have already joined the call, you will see my face on the screen. If I have not, you will see yourself.
  4. You will also see the Welcome prompt. Click Play test sound to test your camera and microphone settings.
  5. When you are ready, click Join Video Call. This will take you straight into the video call.

How to join on a smartphone or tablet

If you plan to use a mobile device, here are the steps to join:

  1. Download Telehealth by SimplePractice (for iOS or Android) in the app store. Approximately 10 minutes before your appointment, you should receive an email appointment reminder.
  2. Open the reminder on your mobile device and click the unique link. This will open the Telehealth by SimplePractice
  3. If I have already joined the call, you will see my face on the screen. If I have not, you will see yourself.
  4. When you are ready, click Join Video Call. This will take you straight into the video call.

Note: There may be a slight delay for me to join the appointment if I am finishing with a previous appointment. Please be patient and I will join momentarily.

Tips for Success

  • I recommend joining the video appointment a few minutes early to test your settings.
  • If you can connect to the Internet, but are having trouble joining the video, you can use our recommended Pre-call Tool.
  • To use a smartphone to join a video chat, you must first download the Telehealth by Simple Practice app available in the app store for iOS or Android.
  • If you need to cancel or have questions about the appointment, please contact me.

For Additional Information on Telehealth Counseling and Getting Started for Clients, Click Here.
(760) 566-8760

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